Gun Rights in Kentucky
Do you know your rights as a gun owner? Kentucky allows open carry and concealed carry of firearms including shotguns, rifles, handguns. To own a firearm, you must be a legal citizen of the United States. You are not legally required to register your firearms and you do not need a license for shotguns...
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Kentucky Firework Laws
Fireworks may be legal, but setting themselves off yourself could be risky. In the U.S. each summer, more than 200 injuries a day and millions of dollars in property damage occur due to the misuse of fireworks. In 2020, there were 18 deaths and over 15,000 injuries related to fireworks, according to the Consumer Product Safety...
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Reviewing Reasons Why Drivers are Fatigued
Drunk driving, road rage and speeding are associated with many motor vehicle collisions and a lot of drivers are aware of how dangerous these behaviors can be. However, there are many other reasons why drivers may have a higher chance of causing a crash, such as fatigue. Fatigue can be difficult for different reasons,...
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Roundup Lawsuit The Bryant Law Center closed out our Roundup lawsuits after successfully negotiating for settlements for our clients in 2021. Roundup & Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma A federal judge ruled last July 10 that a jury could hear expert opinions in lawsuit alleging that exposure to Roundup - a common vegetation/weed killer – can cause...
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Car Accidents
Victims of auto wrecks face an uphill climb when dealing with the insurance company of the other driver. Most insurance companies are concerned only with their bottom lines. They may do almost anything to avoid paying you fair and reasonable compensation for the injuries you have suffered. Favorable Outcomes Through Experienced Legal Counsel At Bryant...
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Defective Products
When a product you buy or use causes an injury or death, or damages your property, as a consumer you have recourse under the law. Of the hundreds of different products we have and use in our homes or at work or during leisure, most function as they were meant to. Occasionally, something you...
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IVC Filters
Recent legal allegations made against manufacturers of IVC filters state that the manufacturers of the medical device were negligent and failed to report the known risks and side effects associated with retrievable IVC filters to physicians and their patients. Allegations include the accusation that one manufacturer may have forged the signature of an FDA...
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Defective Medical Devices
Medical devices, when properly designed, manufactured and marketed, can save lives and improve quality of life for thousands of patients. Unfortunately, when these devices have not been properly tested, or when information about known defects is withheld from doctors and patients, they can cause serious injury or death. At Bryant Law Center, our nationally respected mass...
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Bad Drugs, Medical Devices, and Products
Mass Torts Hold Corporations Accountable For Defective Products Delivering Justice. Delivering Results. Guiding You Through Each Phase of Your Life Get a Free Consultation Our Nationally Respected Lawyers Have Extensive Experience Helping the Victims of Negligent Companies Small Kentucky Law Firm. Nationwide Reputation for Results. When large corporations manufacture unsafe products that injure...
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Train Derailments
As dozens of communities in the United States and Canada have learned, there is no predicting when and where a freight train will derail. Some derailments are relatively minor, and involve benign cargos such as grain or cement or molasses, or just a car or two jumping a track in a switch yard. Other...
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